Hey everyone! I hope you all are wonderful! We had a fabulous Christmas with our boys and of course our families....here a few pictures from the holidays!

Breakfast with Santa at the Methodist Church

An attempt to get a family picture for the Christmas Card - it was unsuccessful.
Maybe we'll try again next year!

Aren't these just the most precious kids you've ever seen?!?! I could just eat 'em up!
Levi Brent
Claire Grace & Presley Daniele

Mikah Ashton

Meme & Eli Jack

Colby Monroe, Paul Abram & Braden Thomas
The most beautiful sisters in the world!
Aunt Kim, Aunt Tammy, Aunt Sandra, My Precious Momma

The girls and Braden

Shawna with Gavin and Eli

Gavin & Eli - they are four months apart!
During the holidays Shad was off for about two weeks and I closed my shop between Christmas and New Years. Although this was NOT good for the pocketbooks, it was GREAT for our family! We had sooo much fun being together - we are so blessed.
During the time off, Colby got to go squirrel hunting with his wonderful Daddy. He woke him up at 6 am and you think he would be grouchy but as soon as we told him he was gonna go squirrel hunting, he ran to his room to get ready. And of course, momma had to get up to take some pictures!
I promise I will be back soon with more from the beginning of our year! Stay tuned!