Last Friday, Tammy, Adria, Gavin, and Sandra came to visit Mom & I. We also had Mikah, Claire, Paul and Levi plus my two. If you're keeping count, that's 7 kids and 5 adults. It was WILD but it was soooo much fun! We let the kids play outside and we enjoyed each other's company. We don't get together near enough.
The boys on the gator...Colby, Gavin, & Levi 

Then on Saturday, Mom, Dad, Shad & I took the WHOLE CREW to Disney on Ice. In case you need some numbers....that's EIGHT kids and four adults! I had been looking forward to this day for at least 2 months! It was a ton of fun! We managed to get through the day very well! We enjoyed the Disney show and then we all went to Tokyo to eat! When we walked in the door of the restaurant, they sat us in the VERY BACK CORNER. I was "almost" offended. I mean what were they thinking....we just had a FEW kids. Yeah well...I didn't complain.
However, I did silently wonder if the people in that restaurant thought that ALL of these kids belonged to Shad and me.

IMPOSSIBLE to get a decent picture of all of us! At least we tried!

Have a blessed weekend!