Kinda MIA on the blog I would say...Seriously, do I have ANYTHING to do other than BLOG. Well maybe just a few minor things....
For the most part, I am down to only working two days a week now and my computer is at my sign shop so my internet access is somewhat limited. On the days that I work, I kinda have to actually, um, work....sometimes. Yeah, I could drive up here on an off day just to blog...or NOT.
I have been super busy on my "off days" with VERY important activities.
Swimming with my boys, eating snowcones of various colors (because that's what Colby orders by...color, not flavor), staying in our pajamas all day, watching Colby get covered from head to toe in mud, holding my precious baby (he's recently becoming a bit of a Momma's boy...yeah, I'm LOVIN IT!), scrapbooking, sliding down a kid's water slide fully clothed (no pictures, lol) you know, IMPORTANT STUFF!!!
Anyways - enough rambling - I'll get straight to the "evidence" of these important things!!!

I REALLY think Levi is wanting a little brother...or sister...or how about ONE OF EACH!!! That sounds like a perfect idea!

Fireworks on the Sabine River

Eli was mesmerized by the fireworks!

Colby had already gotten a short haircut for the summer but Daddy decided to make it VERY short! He LOVED it!!!

Some random pictures of Eli and Poppy

Some random pictures of Eli and Poppy

We had a Sunday School Party/Watermelon Bash at church. Eli rode in this special little car.

And he was worn out!

Yeah you know that mud thing I was talkin' about?!?

Even this pretty little girly girl got dirty!

And again...I think he loves the mud, what do you think?
But what little boy doesn't?

So there ya have it - a recap. I'll try not to be so long in posting again. But, you know, I have IMPORTANT THINGS to do! Haha!

Daddy got a new loader!

Hope you all have a very blessed week!
P.S. Do you know how good God is? If not you should really look him up! I think He's pretty awesome!!!