I just HAD to post all of these pictures - they are all so cute!
While we were in Wichita Falls this past weekend, Claire and Paul had a t-ball game. It was so fun to watch! It was only their second game but they were hitting home runs like crazy. I might add this was a HUGE improvement from the first game where Paul ran around the bases the WRONG way...twice!
Paul on the pitcher's mound

Claire on first base

In the dugout
For the first 30 minutes at the ballpark, my angel of a 3-year old, chunked his wings in the trash and threw a monster of a F-I-T! Yeah, I know you would never believe it, but precious Colby did indeed throw a fit! Haha! I chose not to photograph the F-I-T! For the life of him, he just could NOT understand why he couldn't go out there and play baseball too. Finally he decided to accept this injustice and play a baseball game of his own with Levi.

We drove in from Wichita Falls on Saturday morning and went straight to Granny & Papa's church for an Easter Egg Hunt, Fish-Fry, and a concert featuring HisSong. It was alot of fun and HisSong is a really great singing group. I had never heard of them before.

My boys on Resurrection Sunday!

We started our Easter service with the kids singing. Mom and Dad walked in while they were singing and Colby just smiled and waved at them from the platform. It was funny.

Another funny story...my mom played the piano Sunday night. That's not the funny part. As she was coming down from the platform, she got about half way down the aisle and Colby takes off running across the church towards her before I could stop him. I have NEVER seen him run that fast before. I don't know what got into him. I just looked at the floor and turned about 10 shades of red.
Oh, the things kids do...
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