We have been SOOOO busy!
All Star Signs has FINALLY gotten very busy lately and for that I am soooo thankful!!!! (Just this week, I was able to pay a personal bill with sign shop money for the first time - and it was a big one! - you better believe Shad was super excited about that!)
BUT, with all of my time going to making signs and corralling kiddos, that doesn't leave much time for blogging!
So here goes the past month or so...in pictures!
Eli's first take on baby food...

Big brother, the comedian! He loves to make him laugh!
And AFTER...what a mess!

"Workin'" in the garden with Papa!

Havin' too much fun to be called "work!"


Colby started swimming lessons on May 18 with Mrs. Teresa. He went everyday for two weeks and then on the last day he had a "Show Day." He did so good! I was a little nervous because I couldn't stay but after a few days he got used to the idea of us being apart for a while and I think he enjoyed it a little too much! :) He was sad when the two weeks came to an end!

Getting ready to leave the house...

On our way...

He was a little nervous about this at first! But by the end of the week, Mrs. Teresa had worked her magic and he wasn't scared a bit!

Floating on his back...

"When's it gonna be my turn?!?"

Jumpin' in!


So much fun!


Claire Grace
Yep - I can drive! Ha!
What YOU lookin' at?!?!
Claire & Colby
Uncle Brent's so funny!
Miss Mikah!
Gettin' a lil' sleepy!
Matching buddies!

Is he handsome or what?!?
Too many drivers!
And I felt the urge to get in too...and since I wasn't prepared...I got in fully clothed! :) 

It was a fun day at the lake!
Just a random picture of a precious baby!

Well you know, since Colby is a pro swimmer and all, we had to show Papa & Granny at their neighbor's pool! And guess who got in? Papa hadn't been in a pool in at least 30 years but you know, grandchildren make you do things you never thought you would!

I hope you all have a super blessed week! I hope to be more talkative on the next post!
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