Wow-I didn't get to update the blog last night because we were really BUSY holding a precious baby boy!!!! Lots has happened since Wednesday. Eli was taken off of ICU status last night. He got to come to the room with us for the first time about 8:30 and Colby got to see him and hold him. He was so excited! He just kept rubbing his head and kissing him - so sweet. They brought him in every three hours last night to stay for about 45 minutes and then he had to go back under the light for his jaundice. This morning, they said his jaundice was better so he has been in the room with us pretty much all day long and he has been eating like a pro. Colby just wants to hold him all by himself, all the time. He just talks to him and giggles. He is so happy with his baby brother.
We are scheduled to be discharged in the morning (Saturday). He has to have his hearing screen done in the morning and hopefully we will be headed home soon after that.
If you want to come visit, you are certainly welcome. Just remember that Eli does have premature lungs so that makes him more susceptible to germs. We certainly don't want to end up back in the hospital.
We thank you all again for your prayers and support, visits and phone calls. We are so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends. We are excited to get home tomorrow and we can't wait for Eli to meet all of you! Enjoy the pictures!
Shad, Casey, Colby & Eli
Glad to hear the good news! Love the pics. He's so precious Casey, I know you are proud.
Love ya!
SOOOOOOOOOO adorable, Casey! I know you all are so proud and happy about Eli. Doesn't Colby really look BIG now?? He's not your 'little' one anymore, but still your baby, huh?
Love, Patti
Hey Casey,
Eli is so adorable. I am so proud for you, Shad and of course Big Brother. Will come see him soon.
Love ya
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